It has to do with, what I call, the "3 Vs" - Verbal, Vocal and Visual. What you say, how you say it and how you present yourself can put you higher on the list of potential candidates or even swing the votes in your favor. Here's an brief outline:
- Select interview questions ranging from easy to tough.
- Draft your answers then refine them.
- Create different version of your answers to be used depending on context of questions.
- Say your answers out loud, as if in the interview.
- Now tape your answers. Evaluate as if you were the employer.
- Rehearse in the mirror until you look natural saying your answers
- Practice. (yeah, like piano when you were a kid)
- Practice with friends or family. Ask for honest feedback.
- Practice with a "stranger." They'll give you honest feedback.
- The interview starts when you arrive on the property. Those buildings have windows.
- When to "mirror the interviewer" and when not to.
- The "eyes" have it - how your interviewer takes in your information.
- The interview ends when you leave the property - until they can't see you from the window.
If you'd like to know more about the "3Vs" (and there is a lot more to know!) please contact me at: